Tiny Teds

This room caters for a maximum of four children per day with one educator. It is tiny by name and tiny by nature but the small environment nurtures the children and creates a ‘bubble’ of safety within which they can take those first exploratory steps into the social world. 

Our focus in this room is on strong relationships between the educator, the children and the families. Secure attachment is so important for children at this age and our consistent educators are these children’s champions; they are never far away from them and the children know that they are loved. 

A most beautiful part of our Kindy culture is the care and attention all our children pay to our tiniest teds. They are mindful of their wellbeing and careful and calm around them. They become everybody’s little brother or sister and it is wonderful to watch.
Little Teds   

This room caters for 12 children aged between 2 and 3.5 years. The routines, the environment and the interactions between children and our educators are all designed to create a ‘safe haven’ in which these children can relax and learn.

Children at this age are developing a strong sense of independence, both physically and emotionally. Social interactions and small group learning become important. The educators form a solid team that ensures these children are supported and encouraged every step of the way. 

The sound of music, laughter, conversation, questions and encouragement wafts out of this room at all times of the day. The children develop a love of literature and language, and their imagination is inspired in a multitude of role play situations available to them within the room.
Big Teds   

This room caters for twenty-three children aged between 3.5 and 6 years. These are the ‘teenagers’ of the centre and they relish the additional freedom that comes with their Big Ted status.  

The world of literacy, numeracy, science and technology opens up to these children as part of an abundance of learning opportunities. The children are invited to question, to experiment, to research and to ask more questions as part of their learning in this room.  

Children learn how to work together, how to negotiate the social world and the impact their actions may have on others. Self-regulation is an important skill for life as is the ability to show empathy for others.  

Part of the curriculum in this room is tailored towards preparation for transition to school. As the year moves on, the children are introduced to a more structured way of learning, though play is always valued. There is always time for singing, reading, group games, dancing and just being friends; such is the life of a child in the Big Teds Room.

Our Playground

Our multi-tiered playground provides an endless supply of exploration and adventure for our children. Fixed equipment such as the fort, swings and our gazebo style sandpit are added to each day by a wide variety of flexible climbing equipment and resources to inspire different types of play.
The children’s garden, together with the ‘secret’ garden, provides children with hands-on experiences with nature as well as strawberries, tomatoes and spring onions, to name but a few. Creatures abound; worms, butterflies, ants, caterpillars and the occasional lizard teach the children about life cycles and our place in the natural world. 
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